Friday, February 12, 2010

Not even a single religion is true?

none of them has any convincing evidence to say they are true. all what religious people do is get carried away with emotions and provide verses from their religious books which are equally silly and badly outdated.

so when they themselves cant come up with any convincing truths, how can they tell others to believe them?Not even a single religion is true?
That is YOUR opinion or judgement, not the fact.

How do you know they are all fake? Do you have a belief?? Maybe not...

Don't judge others just because you don't know something. Knowledge isn't everything nor it's the absolute truth. For example, science is a belief to many including some Atheists %26amp; my Biology books states that ';there is no truth in science, because truth means uncheangeble, but since in science, there are thesis which do change, science cannot be the truth.';

I don't remember the name of some scientists our pastor mentioned, but he said that these scientists studied evolution and came up with a conclusion that there is more possibility that a Creator created all things rather than things just happened out of accident... BUT they still refuse to believe in God, even after they came up with this conclusion, because they just don't want to believe in God.Not even a single religion is true?
You are confusing ';religion'; with certain religions.

There are many religions that don't have scriptures, and don't believe a Higher Power passed any religion or scriptures down to us.

Not all religions even believe in a Higher Power, or an afterlife.

For example, look at Unitarian Universalism.

I personally believe all religions have things we can learn from, gems of wisdom we can glean from them, but that there are none that are 100% accurate on everything.

Nor do they have to be 100% accurate on everything to be valid.

Maybe you just need to expand your understanding of religion.
How are Daoism and Buddhism incorrect? They never said that God exists, and there is no dogma.

The teachings of Buddhism and Daoism are accepted by almost everyone but Nihilists, and they are very rare.

No religious books = no reason to disagree.

Also, these two religions do not proselytize, so there are no missionaries.

The word ';religion' is used in many contexts, and when used in an absolute manner (like the terms 'always,' 'none,' 'never', etc.) we play a losing game. So, in this context, I will use spirituality versus religion. Spirituality is not a commodity that can be classified as ';true or false.'; It is a matter of faith and belief. The convincing evidence most people base their faith and belief on are what most call ';miracles.'; When you make ascertions that ';none of them has any convincing evidence to say they are true,'; you imply that you have researched all religions and are certain that none of them has convinced you that they are true. So your statement is not true. You would have had to research Christianity, Islamm, Hinduism, Chinese traditional religion, Buddhism, Primal-indigenous, African Traditional %26amp; Diasporic, Sikhism, Juche, Spiritism, Judaism, Baha'i, Jainism, Shinto, Cao Dai, Zoroastrianism, Tenrikyo, Neo-Paganism, Unitarian-Universalism, Restafarianism and Scientology. And in order to get a rounded education, you would have to research Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist. But at the end of the day, you are right. How can someone impose their beliefs and faith on others without their consent? They can't; people use their free will to believe or not to - have faith or not to. You have a choice - use it wisely! Best Wishes!
I told people I met about the Truth, Jesus because I believe in the entire word of God ,including these verses: 1cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
No one has proved science to me either, so religion not being proven isn't too big of a deal to me.

At least religion stays consistent for longer....Science is always changing, usually pretty dramatically. However, I'm expected to just believe what studies suggest to me....

I just choose to not let it bother me. To each his own. It's not for me, but that doesn't mean that people who like preaching/teaching their religion shouldn't be allowed to...

Anyway, if people were only allowed to talk about what is real (with proof) then we would never come up with new ideas (^_^)
So what's your point, other than repeating what has been posted on this site about a zillion times? I GET don't believe in religion. what?

Hey, i don't believe in religion either, but I respect that some people do. Live and let live. If that is what gives them comfort in life, so be it. As long as they're willing to let me go my own way, I'm certainly willing to let them go their own way, and I don't need to either berate or bait them....
Most religious people are fanatics of what they believe. Fortunately, we live in a non-Muslim world that we can have some degree of freedom. Still, Christians fight hard to impose they made up morality on the rest of the non-religious population...
And I'm supposed to believe for a second that you've given due consideration to every religion out there. including reading all their literature? Not that it matters, you sound pretty convinced already anyway.
God is most definitely real.

Religion, however, is very much man-made.. God does the convincing.
God is unseen like Proton, Neutron %26amp; Electron

God is mystery like Gravitation, Time %26amp; material

if Human can't see all of them,

how can human claim that God never exist????
The can't, the only people they fool are other idiots. Fortunately people seem to be waking up to the fact and are leaving in their droves. :)

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
The religion of ';emotionalism';.
Maybe you should stop being so close-minded and actually listen.

It's all myth. All of them.
They shouldn't but they are not concerned with truth.
well it's up to the people they tell whether they decide to believe or not.

i'd rather live my life with no unnecessary boundaries and be nice just for the sake of being nice XD
Yes, in some sense.
your going to the bad place.
They can't
Jesus said to beware of false religion. I think He spoke the Truth.
Every Religion Claims That It Is The Truth - The Criteria Of The Truth

There are so many sects, cults, religions, philosophies, and movements in the world, all

of which claim to be the right way or the only true path to Allah (God). How can one

determine which one is correct or if, in fact, all are correct? The method by which the

answer can be found is to clear away the superficial differences in the teachings of the

various claimants to the ultimate truth, and identify the central object of worship to

which they call, directly or indirectly. False religions all have in common one basic

concept with regards to Allah. They either claim that all men are gods or that specific

men were Allah or that nature is Allah or that Allah is a figment of man's imagination.

Thus, it may be stated that the basic message of false religion is that Allah may be

worshipped in the form of His creation. False religion invites man to the worship of

creation by calling the creation or some aspect of it God. For example, prophet Jesus

invited his followers to worship Allah but those who claim to be his followers today call

people to worship Jesus, claiming that he was Allah!

Buddha was a reformer who introduced a number of humanistic principles to the religion of

India. He did not claim to be God nor did he suggest to his followers that he be an object

of worship. Yet, today most Buddhists who are to be found outside of India have taken him

to be God and prostrate to idols made in their perception of his likeness.

By using the principle of identifying the object of worship, false religion becomes very

obvious and the contrived nature of their origin clear. As God said in the Our'aan:

'; That which you worship besides Him are only names you and your forefathers have invented

for which Allah has sent down no authority: The command belongs only to Allah:

He has commanded that you only worship Him; that is the right religion, but most men do

not understand ';.(Soorah Yoosuf 12:40)

It may be argued that all religions teach good things so why should it matter which one we

follow. The reply is that all false religions teach the greatest evil, the worship of

creation. Creation-worship is the greatest sin that man can commit because it contradicts

the very purpose of his creation. Man was created to worship Allah alone as Allah has

explicitly stated in the the Qur鈥檃n:

'; I have only created Jinns and men, that they may worship me ';

(Soorah Zaareeyaat 51:56)Consequently, the worship of creation,

which is the essence of idolatry, is the only

unforgivable sin. One who dies in this state of idolatry has

sealed his fate in the next life. This is not an opinion, but a

revealed fact stated by Allah in his final revelation to man.

The following criteria can best serve as a gauge to find out the

authenticity of the last revelation (the Qur鈥檃n) as words of God:

1. Rational Teachings: Since our Creator bestowed reason and

intellect upon us, it is our duty to use it to distinguish the

TRUTH from falsehood. True, undistorted revelation from God must

be rational and can be reasoned out by all unbiased minds.

2. Perfection: Since our Creator is all perfect, His revelation

must be perfect and accurate, free from mistakes, omissions,

interpolations and multiplicity of versions. It should be free

from contradictions in its narration.

3. No Myths or Superstitions: True revelation is free from myths or

superstitions that degrade the dignity of our Creator or man


4. Scientific: Since our Creator is the Creator of all knowledge,

true revelation is scientific and can withstand the challenge of

science at all times.

5. Factual Prophecy: Our Creator is the Knower of the past,

present and future. Thus His prophecies in His revelation will be

fulfilled as prophesied.

6. Inimitable By Man: True revelation is infallible and cannot be

imitated by man. God's true revelation is a Living miracle, an

open book challenging all mankind to see and prove for themselves

its authenticity or veracity.

read these books:

1- Dr. Maurice Bucaille is a french scientist converted to Islam

and write this book ';The Bible,The Qur'an %26amp; Science'; it is amazing

book you can download it here鈥?/a>

2- Dr. Gary Miller is a scientist also converted to islam he wrote

this book ';Amazing Quran'; you can download it here鈥?/a>

3- Dr. zakir Naik wrote this fantastic book it show you the truth

';Concept of GOD in major religions'; you can download it here鈥?/a> provide live help (online) by chat

you can ask any question you want about Islam
**sigh** whatever don't have evidence religion isn't real either.
  • scene hair
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