Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it too late for a 35 year old man to find true love with a woman whos single and attractive?

Im only 31 now but after my 3years in the army I wonder If I will ever get married. I hope to meet an affectionate woman who will be warm hearted and gentle, with no kids I want kids of my own someday.Is it too late for a 35 year old man to find true love with a woman whos single and attractive?
I am 39 and I date lots of women. I haven't given up on finding love someday. I have taken up the dating strategy of dating a few Ms. Wrongs before I find Ms. Right. Of course I am not so sure I want kids anymore. It is more of an age thing than a love for kids thing.

The thing is not to give up and not to put so much pressure on yourself. Also don't settle for less than you deserve. Keep in mind that it is better to be alone and miserable than miserable with the wrong one. You also don't want to come across as desperate.

Being a man in his late 30's, I feel like I am better suited to be a better boyfriend and a potential husband than I was when I was younger. I better know who I am and know what I want in a woman. I know that a cute *** doesn't mean she is good to get with. Sure attraction is important, but content of character is much more important than a pretty face. Eventually we will all be old and decrepit, but character is forever.Is it too late for a 35 year old man to find true love with a woman whos single and attractive?
no definitely not! especially since you were in the army!! I would find that very appealing. I think there are great women out there but don't be so stuck on her not having any kids. are you really going to reject a great woman because she has a child or 2? you could have a relationship with them and just because she already has some doesn't mean you can't have some together! I think you will find a great woman easier than you think.

God bless and Merry Christmas!

p.s. you sound like the perfect candidate for a dating website. (I mean this in a good way) because you seem to know exactly what you want and the qualities you want...I've never tried them but you could give it a try?
Ablsolutely not. Just look after yourself well for now so that you can be a real catch well into your 50's. Alot of guys start to let themselves go around your age. I plan on having a hulk like body and staying active so I can attract and marry a premium babe later on. They say looks don't matter but that, for the most part is bs, you need the physical attraction first. and if your in shape and look after yourself that's just one part of the equation you won't have to worry about.
My daughter, who had never seemed interested in settling down to domesticity, and her husband-to-bed met when they were in their mid-30s (a little bit of engineering by his mother!).

By that time, they were both mature, had qualifications and careers and I really thought that she would never marry and have a family.

At 31 you still have the proverbial ';cradle marks'; - maybe you are looking in the wrong place for the right bride for you.
Certainly not! There is no 'too old'...many people FAR older than you find partners and love. AAs for finding a true love, that just takes time and a huge amount of patience. s long as you have feelings, you will always have a penchant for loving.
There's always a chance. It's never too late. Be nice, be friendly, be open to new people and get out and socialize and I'm sure you will do great and find someone for yourself.
dont think it's too late, but today in times, good luck finding a woman with no kids that is around your age group.
its never too late. its never too late.
My husband was 39(about two months shy of 40) when we got married. He was 38 when we started dating
you definitely can buddy... believe me it is possible
it is never to late for love. you just have to have hope :)

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