Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that you should not exercise every single day?

I have been thinking about getting my body back into shape. I was told that I should not exercise everyday, instead if I really wanted to see results I should exercise every other day. Is there any truth to that?Is it true that you should not exercise every single day?
You could do cardio every day if you wanted to. But weight lifting on the other hand; the rule of thumb for this is to wait at least 48 hours to work out any given muscle group. If you did back and biceps on Monday, you would definitely not want to work those same muscles out on Tuesday. Your muscles don't get bigger while you're working out, they get bigger while they repair themselves in your resting period. If you were to work the same muscles every day, you'd just keep tearing the fibers faster than they can be built, which is not a good thing. One thing that does help to speed up the repair process is getting the right nutrition, like protein. Whey protein drinks are perfect for this...if you work out but aren't eating right your body won't have what it needs to repair itself and the process goes even slower.

It is perfectly normal to work out every day as long as you aren't spending hours at the gym each time. I am a frequent gym-goer, I get my cardio in in the morning by biking, running or swimming for 45 minutes, and then in the evening I go back and weight lift every other day. It is sufficient for me to fit a full body workout in one hour because i'm just looking to tone. But if you are looking to bulk up, I would split your weight lifting into groups so you can spend more time on each muscle. Like back and bicep one day, next day legs and triceps, day after that do chest and shoulders. However you want to split it up.

Just listen to your body, eat right and get enough sleep. If you do all that your body will be able to handle working out every day. Oh, and if you are planning to do cardio and weight lifting in one day, try to space it out like doing one in the morning and one at night. But if you can't, always do your weight lifting BEFORE cardio. I've read that cardio can increase the belly-fat hormone cortisol which can be a definite hindrance to you when you lift. Running before will also leave you weak and then you won't be able lift as well as you normally would.Is it true that you should not exercise every single day?
Cardio everyday is ok. strength training should be every other day if you are working on the same muscle. but you can do it everyday as well if you are working a different muscle every other day.

for strength training a day off can be beneficial as well since the body needs time to recover from the muscle tearing,

if your a guy trying to put on muscle, muscle milk (or similar) will help with that.

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